With all
of the emphasis on the extensive technical training done in
the military, some companies, when presented with a
candidate fresh from the armed forces, say they don't need
"technical" people; they need sales people or business
leaders. When looking at it from this perspective, the
hiring company's question is, what has someone in the
military really sold? Or, what business operations
experience do they have? The answer is probably not what is
on a "militaristic" resume, but in the character and
of the person.
Look at the example of a VP at Pacific Bell who was
presented a resume of an Academy graduate who was
responsible for much of the logistics required to keep an
aircraft carrier running smoothly. "That's all well and
good, but I don't have an aircraft carrier; I need a sales
candidate," he exclaimed. This was before he had a chance to
meet the candidate in person. Within minutes of meeting him,
it was quite evident that this applicant was a prime sales
candidate, having the people skills and determination
necessary for those in sales positions. In another instance,
a pharmaceutical district manager, adamant in his demand for
someone with prior sales experience, was face to face with a
young captain who fought in the Gulf War. During the
interview the captain began to sense the manager's bias and
asserted, "Sir, I had to lead a platoon of 20-something year
olds across a live mine field, in the middle of the night,
in the heat of battle…THAT WAS SALES!" Needless to say, the
young man was hired and has done well in his sales career.
Many military
personnel want the opportunity to demonstrate leadership, as
well as practice the team-building skills so often needed in
corporate organizations. Military applicants are prime
prospects for supervisory and management positions. Granted,
the idea of a command-and-control "SGT Carter"-type, barking
orders to a group of middle-aged women in the production
area, makes one cringe, but that style is far from the
reality of today's armed forces. In fact, most situations
demand a leadership style that empowers and motivates. A
1998 article written by U.S. Army Colonel Lloyd Mathews in
the Military Review reveals that traditional military
leadership ideals require that "leaders must always respect
the innate human dignity of each subordinate. Leaders must
recognize the status of US service members as thinking
individuals rather than mindless automatons, giving them
opportunity wherever feasible to exercise initiative,
shoulder responsibility and employ their native ingenuity in
accomplishing assigned tasks."
Military leaders
are taught, from the beginning of their training program, to
respect those under their charge. And the general content of
recent training sessions in leadership courses like Deming's
TQM or Covey's "Seven Habits..." is not anything new. In
fact, these ideals and values date back many years. For
example, over 110 years ago, on August 11, 1879, Major
General John M. Schofield delivered a speech to a group of
West Point cadets suggesting, "that to gain respect and
willing obedience from US servicemen, the leader must
reciprocate that respect in his manner of delivering
Many military
candidates are leaders who can demonstrate that they can get
the job done, under stressful conditions, and with limited
resources. Could you use someone like that in your