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EEOC Role In
Coordinating Government-Wide Nondiscrimination Efforts |
WASHINGTON - Cari M. Dominguez, Chair of the U.S. Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), announced a new
web page describing the agency's role in coordinating the
federal government's efforts to eradicate discrimination in
the American workplace. The web page, which may be accessed
through www.eeoc.gov, highlights the EEOC's leadership in
ensuring that federal agencies work together in opposition
to workplace discrimination.
"The federal
effort to root out workplace discrimination requires that
the government speak with one voice, so that both workers
and employers know what their rights and obligations are,"
said Chair Dominguez. "This
new page
gathers in one location all of the sources and resources
that will inform and instruct on coordination efforts in a
user-friendly, accessible manner." |
Numbers of
Americans With and Without Health Insurance Rise, Census
Bureau Reports
The number of
people with health insurance rose by 1.2 million between
2000 and 2001, to 240.9 million, but at the same time the
number of uninsured rose by 1.4 million, to 41.2 million,
the Commerce Department's Census Bureau reported today.
Meanwhile, an estimated 14.6 percent of the population had
no health insurance coverage during all of 2001, up from
14.2 percent in 2000.
"The percentage of people covered by employment-based
health insurance dropped a point, to 62.6 percent in
2001," said Robert Mills, author of Health Insurance
Coverage: 2001. "That was the principal cause of the
overall decrease in health insurance coverage."
Mills said the increase in the number of people who were
insured could be attributed to overall population growth.
Full Article.

Department of
Labor Promotes Employment Services
for Disabled Individuals
Despite the
recent slowdown in the economy, the U.S. job growth is
projected to swell by 55 million by 2008; however, the U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics believes only 20 million workers
will be available to fill those jobs.
Other sources of
high quality employees are and will be needed for the
future. One excellent place to look is the Employee Referral
Assistance Network, a free service sponsored by the U.S.
Department of Labor. EARN puts employers in touch with
qualified candidates who also happen to have a disability.
People with
disabilities represent the single largest and most diverse
minority in the United States and are a major untapped
source of qualified candidates. Experts in the field of
workplace disability believe that employers have not tapped
into this workforce because they are unaware of the range of
their skills and/or do not know how to identify the
individuals as potential employees.
Employers are
missing out on a golden opportunity to hire well-trained,
qualified people who also bring to the job unsurpassed
loyalty, dedication, and commitment. Aside from having equal
or higher performance ratings compared to workers without
disabilities, workers with disabilities have the lowest
attrition rates of any employee group in this country. In
other words, they get the job done, and they stay on the
Through a public
outreach effort, The U.S. Department of Labor is informing
employers about this untapped workforce through EARN and the
Job Accommodations Network (JAN), which provides employers
with information about how easy and inexpensive it is to
accommodate people with disabilities at the workplace.
The best reason
to hire a person with disabilities is because he or she is
qualified. Employers also benefit in other ways by:
training and recruitment costs. People with disabilities
have equal to or higher performance rates and are less
likely to resign and move onto another job.
productivity in work groups. People with disabilities
motivate other employees.
your workforce to appeal to a diverse customer base. One
in five Americans has a disability, representing $1
trillion in purchase power.
Receiving tax
credits by hiring people with disabilities.
For more
information, employers should call, (866) 4-USA-DOL
The Facts About Employing People With Disabilities
People with
disabilities are trained
People with
disabilities work or are trained to work in all kinds of
professions. Of the 120 million employed Americans, 16
million of them have a disability. They are executives,
machines operators, managers, sales workers, mechanics,
teachers, accountants, and health care workers. (Americans
With Disabilities: West Virginia University, McNeil, 1993)
72% of
working-age people with disabilities have high school
diplomas or a higher education. Yet, of those with a
college degree, 55% are unemployed, compared to 14% of
college-educated people without disabilities. (National
Organization on Disability, Harris Poll of Americans with
Disabilities, 2000)
People with disabilities want to work
Most people
with disabilities want to work. 2 out of 3 people with
disabilities who are unemployed (67%) say they would
prefer to be working. Of those people with disabilities
who say they are able to work, 56 percent are working, and
the rest are looking. (N.O.H, Harris, 2000)
A strong
commitment exhibited by top management and a positive
attitude among co-workers and supervisors are the best
ways to remove employment barriers for people with
disabilities, according to a Cornell University survey of
human resource and equal employment opportunity personnel
from the private and public sectors. (Susanne M. Bruyere,
March 2000)
Employers Need &
Will Need Their Skills
The U.S. job
growth is projected to swell by 55 million by 2008,
compared to a growth of only 20 million in workers, of
whom 3.6 million will have a disability. Employers will
need these 3.6 million people to fill vacant positions.
(Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment Projections, 1999)
People with
Disabilities & Their Families Have Purchasing Power
One in five
Americans (49 million people) has a disability. (U.S.
Census Bureau, 1994) An estimated 20.3 million families or
29% of all families have at least one member with a
disability. (Family Resource Supplement to the National
Health Interview Survey, 1990)
research shows that families with one or more persons with
disabilities are significantly more likely to do business
with a disability-friendly company, and consumers, with
and without disabilities, are more likely to buy from
those companies. (National Family Opinion, Inc., Survey
for 1996 Paralympic Games, 1994)
Benefit From Hiring People With Disabilities
Mutual, a financial services company, reported an 8%
percent attrition rate in 1999 among people with
disabilities working at its call centers, compared to an
overall rate of 45 percent. Cost to recruit, train, and
develop new employees was $15,000. Washington Mutual saved
money by hiring more people with disabilities because they
had better attendance and were more committed to their
jobs. (National Organization of Disability, Craig Gray,
Director of EmployAbility, 2001)
Tax incentives
are in place to encourage employers to hire people with
disabilities, including the Work Opportunity Tax Credit,
which provides a tax credit of up to $2,400 per individual
hired. Small businesses also can receive a tax credit for
the cost of accommodations, covering 50% of eligible
expenditures up to $10,000.
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