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Park Laborer Fails to State ADA Claim
In DeVito v. Chicago Park District, 270 F.3d 532 (7th
Cir. Nov. 2, 2001), a park laborer on light duty for four
years due to a back injury was caught on videotape while
off-duty twisting, bending and climbing in and out of trucks
while removing snow from his car and carrying dry cleaning.
The light duty job he was performing involved answering
phones at a park district office near his home. He had been
told that he could leave work whenever he felt pain or
stress, which was typically after two or three hours,
although he was paid the full wages of a laborer who works
eight hours a day.
being caught on tape, the plaintiff was fired. He sued,
claiming his employer failed to accommodate his disability
in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. At
trial, he professed that he was ready, willing and able to
work full time in a light duty assignment, but the courts
found that the evidence suggested otherwise. The plaintiff
had not worked full time for 13 years at the time of his
appeal hearing, ostensibly because of his disability, and
testified that he felt no better than he had felt when he
first injured his back. These two factors justified a
finding that the plaintiff was unable to work full time and
therefore was not qualified to work a full time job.
Seventh Circuit in this case also took aim at the
plaintiff's attempt to “whipsaw” his employer by first
obtaining benefits and job concessions upon his
representation of total disability to work full time, and
then seeking damages for the employer’s failure to
accommodate the disability, which the employee later claimed
was not total after all.
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